Free Supplementary Aids for Disabled Kids

Integration into neighborhood schools is creating a tremendous strain on special resources as they are stretched beyond the limit across our district.  It would like to see these resources be more concentrated into fewer schools and thus allow special ed resources be more readily available to support “inclusion” practices. I have a strong feeling
through the discussions I’ve had with the special ed director, the superintendent, trustees, and assorted teachers, that they feel this idea has some merit and will be looking into it.

In BC, we also have various private schools which offer programs specifically geared to learning disabled students. I don’t believe these children are discriminated against because the whole idea is to enable children to have access to an appropriate education. Usually, these programs are provided to children for a two year period, after which they’ve usually gained sufficient skills to enable them to continue their education in regular public education classrooms.

Personally, if we had a “Special needs Education” Charter School, you bet, I’d be putting my child into such a school. If the school is proved to provide an excellent opportunity to access an appropriate education using a high level of support, technology, and effective teaching methods, I would be remiss to deny my child of such opportunities.