Recreational Lessons

Several parents here have mentioned that their autistic spectrum children are enrolled in lessons of various kinds, swimming or karate or gymnastics come to mind. I’ve considered getting Ger involved in something like this, but I have some concerns. I …

What are the Special Needs?

For students with physical or mental impairments, common classroom tasks can be quite daunting. Fortunately, specialized software can strengthen these students’ capabilities and computer skills. Software exists that can read aloud the text of Web pages, teach students about basic phonemic distinctions, translate text …

Transport to School

According to the DFE Special Education Needs Code of Pactice the LEA are not legally obliged to provide transport to a school. This is particularly true if the parents preferred school is different to the LEA’s suggested school.  Ridiculous, but normal for LEA’s. However, I don’t think …

Home Schooling and Special Needs

Home schooling and special needs education supports can be co-ordinated to meet the needs of a child. The reason for home schooling is that special education resource rooms are not available in our elementary schools. The social situation is also not a very positive one and is causing …

Problem at School

The school has a duty of care over your grandson for the period of the day they look after him, irrespective of his circumstances. If a ‘special need’ is moderate the child may be accommodated in a conventional school, although that school will *always* …