New WWW Project: Follow your Dreams – Stay in School

Twenty-six Grade 6 students in the Late French Immersion program at Fairview Elementary School in Maple Ridge, B.C. are participating in a special initiative to encourage Canadian kids to “Follow your Dreams: Stay in School”. The students began the project by researching various careers that matched their interests and abilities. They decided that their career dreams could only come true if they stayed in school.

By publishing essays and poetry in conjunction with the development of the Special Needs Education Network (SNE) ”Resources for Youth” project, they hope to spread their message to students across Canada and the global community.

In addition to the student submissions, visitors can also browse  special letters sent in by prominent Canadians, including the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of British Columbia, and Canadian Astronauts. Visitors are encouraged to provide feedback, and to help build the “Resources for Youth” and “Resources for Teachers of Youth at Risk” projects.